What to Expect

What to Expect

What to Expect on Sunday

How should I dress?
Wear whatever you are comfortable with wearing for the season.  We have men in coats & ties, shirts & ties, jeans, tee shirts and when the weather is a little warmer – even shorts. The ladies wear dresses, pants, jeans or anything else they are comfortable wearing. Pastor Tim will wear casual pants, shirt & tie. We welcome you to “Come just as you are.”

Where Do I Park?
Parking can always create a challenge anytime you visit a new place of any kind. Here at KMBC, you may park in our side lot beside the Rock Cabin, behind the main building or in any of the spaces on the side streets. You will see several side entry doorways that will lead you into the Fellowship Hall area which is our main entry to Bible Study classes and the Worship Center. Simply find a space and follow the other folks heading into church just like you.

What should I expect when I arrive?
Whether you are coming at 10 am for Sunday morning Bible Study or the 11 am Worship Service, you can expect to be greeted at our entry doors with a friendly smile.

For our 10 am Sunday morning Bible Study, one of our greeters will direct you to the class areas. We have age appropriate classes for all children, youth and adults.

For our 11 am Worship Service, our greeters will help you find your way to the Worship Center and locate a seat. The service consists of traditional hymns and music and lasts about an hour.

For preschool aged children, we have a nursery that can take care of your little ones while you enjoy the worship service.